About Me
As a Dance, Pilates and Rossiter Stretching instructor, I realise that understanding pain is crucial to providing the best care for my clients. This realisation has sparked a life-changing journey of deepening my understanding of the science of pain and the science of exercise.
My approach to pain management is grounded in a deep understanding of the latest evidence-based exercise knowledge and pain science.
I recognise that pain is a complex and multifaceted experience, and I tailor my interventions to address the underlying physiological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to your unique pain experience.
Although we are still learning a lot, neuroscience, the study of the brain, has revolutionised our understanding of health and wellbeing.
It’s helping us to understand questions such as why some people with severe degeneration of the spine experience no pain, while others with mild degeneration experience chronic pain, shedding new light on the complexity of the relationship between the brain and pain.
With this new neuroscience knowledge I am able to help my clients to take control of their pain and live the life they've been waiting to live.
My story
I am a Licentiate Member of The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and started dancing at the age of 3. As a professionally qualified dance teacher in Maidstone, running my own dance school Dancing with Catherine I offer both private and group lessons. I have also received critical acclaim as a choreographer.
My Pilates and Rossiter Stretching Studio, Your Real Body was established in 2015 and helps clients who either want to move pain-free, to rehabilitate after an injury or illness or improve their power and performance in the sport they practice. In 2022 I completed my Pain Reprocessing Therapy Training to further advance my skills and knowledge.
Utilising the purpose-built equipment in my studio, my client's movements are analysed and then broken down to allow natural, functional movements to occur, resulting in more flow, ease of movement, less pain and improved performance.
Throughout my life I have studied extensively. It is this study, particularly around neuroscience and the brain's role in pain, that led to the creation of Catherine Sophia.
My research has allowed me to delve into behavioural science, the science of learning, neurodiversity, emotions, mental health, and trauma, to gain a holistic perspective on wellbeing which I now practice at Catherine Sophia.
As Catherine Sophia I now share all of that science backed exercise and pain expertise by offering Individual Assessments and delivering a series of Clinic Integrated Treatment Plans. I also share my knowledge and experience through public speaking events.